Exam Board – AQA

Qualification – A Level 7408

Entry requirements – GCSE grade 6 in science and maths

Practical investigations, group discussions and mathematical work led by an enthusiastic team of staff will teach you analytical and problem solving skills through exciting and challenging learning experiences.

“I like that physics has always been highly regarded by universities.”

– Student

The physics course is divided into 6 modules:

  • measurements and their errors – the building blocks of physics
  • particles and radiation – introduces students both to the fundamental properties of matter, and to electromagnetic radiation and quantum phenomena
  • waves – development of knowledge of the characteristics, properties, and applications of travelling waves and stationary waves
  • mechanics and materials – development of the student’s knowledge and understanding of forces, energy and momentum
  • electricity – development of the student’s knowledge of electrical phenomena from GCSE
  • further mechanics and thermal physics – the student’s knowledge of mechanics is extended further by looking at circular motion and simple harmonic motion. a further section allows the thermal properties of materials, the properties and nature of ideal gases, and the molecular kinetic theory to be studied in depth
  • fields and their consequences – ideas of gravitation, electrostatics and magnetic field theory are developed within the topic using practical applications such as planetary and satellite orbits, capacitance and capacitors, their charge and discharge through resistors, and electromagnetic induction
  • nuclear physics – building on the work of particles and radiation to link the properties of the nucleus to the production of nuclear power through the characteristics of the nucleus, the properties of unstable nuclei, and the link between energy and mass
  • optional – students choose one from the following topics: astrophysics, medical physics, engineering physics, turning points in physics or electronics

What doors will this open up for me?

Physics results are used to differentiate between high calibre students by top universities, medical and veterinary colleges. It is an ideal subject for the Armed Forces, engineering, chemists, mathematics, airline pilots and accountants. The knowledge that physics is a high calibre A Level also makes students desirable to all areas of industry and commerce.

Learning journey

Our learning journeys can be used to understand each subject in more detail.
