Counselling service

The counselling service is available to all students at Tuxford Academy. Students can bring any issue to counselling, there is nothing too big or too small. Our counsellor is trained to work with many of the issues that young people face today including anxiety, loss, separation, anger, relationship problems and fears.  The counselling room is located in inclusion.

Referral procedure

Anyone can make a referral to the school counsellor. Students may choose to refer themselves.  Parents, teachers or students can refer others. This can be done by filling out a referral form and handing it in to the school counsellor or posting it in the post box outside the counselling room.


Counselling is confidential. All information shared in the counselling room will be treated in a discreet manner. However, the counsellor may need to share some information with other members of staff if they feel that your safety or the safety of another person is at risk. You will always be informed before this is done.

First aid and medical help

We have a team of first aiders and college receptionists who deal with minor illnesses and injuries that occur on site. Any prescribed medications stored in school can still be given but they are unable to give medical advice to students. Their role is to assess any injuries sustained in the academy and to refer to a doctor or hospital if serious. They are available from 8.30am-3.30pm. To contact them please call 01777 870001 or email

We can:

  • store prescribed medication in the first aid room – please contact the academy before sending this in to school as there is a consent form that needs to be completed.  Medication needs to be in its original packaging with the pharmacy label highlighting the student’s name and dosage instruction
  • liaise with parents/carers about the health of their child
  • write a medical care plan for students and staff, where appropriate

If you are feeling unwell, you should not contact your parent or carer yourself, but should speak to either a first aider, or a member of staff at one of the reception desks.

4U Clinic

This clinic is open at the academy once a week and offers sexual health, contraceptive advice and relationship advice.  Currently this is offered on Tuesday lunchtimes in the medical room.

Student support groups

Staff and students take bullying very seriously at Tuxford. Three student support groups, made up of students from a number of different years, volunteer their time to help the academy in its efforts to tackle potential sources of bullying and deal with any occurrences that may arise.

These groups are Smile, Digital Leaders and Tuxford Pride. Each group works closely with staff and other students, meeting regularly, providing support and advice, producing promotional materials and contributing to the academy’s assembly programme.

The academy also runs a mindfulness workshop for staff and students.