Looking after the wellbeing of our students is an important part of our role as educators.

To be effective in the classroom, we need students to be ready to learn when they arrive. That starts with making sure their basic needs are being met, at home and at school.

We also understand that parents and the wider community will look to us for support, so rest assured we are here to help. If you have concerns about your child, or your family needs support, contact the academy in confidence.

Key contacts

For general day-to-day enquiries, you should speak to your child’s tutor first. Please note that emails are only regularly checked during term-time and should not be used in emergency.

Year group/roleNameEmail address
Head of year 7Mrs S Smithssmith@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of year 8Mr G Holmesgholmes@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of year 9Miss A Peelapeel@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of year 10Miss R Hawcroftrhawcroft@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of year 11Mrs J Burrjburr@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of post-16Miss L Murphylmurphy@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of year 12Mr T Atherton tatherton@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Head of year 13Mr C Wray cwray@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Designated senior person for child protectionMiss Leathem-Pughaleathempugh@tuxford-ac.org.uk
Designated deputy person for child protectionMrs M Johnsonmjohnson@tuxford-ac.org.uk
SENDCOMr S Thompsonsthompson@tuxford-ac.org.uk

Further support

Food share and food banks
The Trussell Trust Food Bank (Newark)
The Trussell Trust Food Bank (Sherwood Forest)
Bassetlaw Food Bank

Domestic violence and abuse
Bassetlaw District Council domestic violence and abuse information
Respect Men’s Advice Line
Rape Crisis
Refuge – for women and children (phone 0808 2000 247)

Hate crime
True Vision Report It – organisations that can help

Health and wellbeing
Visit the Healthier Together website, written by doctors and health care staff for advice and guidance on a wide range of common illnesses and medical conditions that affect children and young people aged between 0-18, and for advice on when you should/ shouldn’t send them to school:
Healthier Together

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire
Mind (Nottinghamshire)