Exam Board – AQA

Qualification – A Level 7692

Entry requirements – GCSE grade 6 in Spanish

Course specification

During your two years studying A Level Spanish, you will cover a variety of themes, including:

“I studied Spanish at Tuxford and I found the staff to be very supportive, making Spanish easily the most enjoyable of my A Levels.”

– Student

  • modern and traditional values
  • immigration
  • cyberspace
  • racism
  • equal rights
  • integration
  • modern day idols
  • today’s youth
  • tomorrow’s citizens
  • Spanish regional identity
  • monarchies
  • republics and dictatorships
  • cultural heritage
  • popular movements
  • book and film studies
  • grammar

You will usually be taught by two members of the modern languages faculty. The courses have a lot of online lessons supported by a text book. Topics are investigated in new ways using various technologies focusing on communication and using a variety of sources such as the internet, DVDs, newspapers and magazines. You will develop your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.

What doors will this open up for me?

The world is full of languages. Think about how many more newspapers and books you could read; films and TV programmes you could watch, songs you could understand, websites you could visit, and people and places that you could really get to know if you could speak another language.

94% of the worlds’ population do not speak English as their first language and 75% of them do not speak English at all. People with languages can be paid £3-5,000 more per year than those without.

Learning Journey

Our learning journeys can be used to understand each subject in more detail.
