Exam rules

Please ensure you are clear about and understand the rules to sitting examinations – these are outlined below:

  • You must be on time for all your examinations
  • You must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice in any part of the examination
  • You must not:
    – sit an examination in the name of another candidate;
    – have in your possession any unauthorised material or equipment which might give you an unfair advantage
  • Possession of a mobile phone or other unauthorised material is not allowed, even if you do not intend to use it, and you will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification
  • You must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once you have entered the examination room
  • You must follow the instructions of the invigilator
  • If you are in any doubt speak to the invigilator

Mobile phones and technology

Students must ensure that they do not bring mobile phones, iPods, MP3/4 players or smartwatches into the examination room. No potential technological/web enabled sources of information must be present.

Possession of any of these unauthorised items is a serious offence and could result in disqualification from your examination and your overall qualification.

To ensure you are not at any risk of these items being brought into an examination, please leave them at home. You are not then causing a risk to your own and others’ examination success.

Exam board guidance for students

For further information from our exam boards, please read our Exam Board Guidance. Exam Board Guidance


If you have any queries please contact parents@tuxford-ac.org.uk