Curriculum intent
Throughout human history, music has played a vital role. It is an aural language of self-expression equally, if not more powerful than the written word in whichever aspect of life it places under the microscope. It requires no prior knowledge to be accessed and, as a consequence, speaks to us all vividly. In the hierarchical nature of modern education, music is often viewed as a means to an end to justify its inclusion in a crowded curriculum, but no; music is an end in itself, worthy of study in its own right and absolutely crucial in a properly functioning society or community. Our curriculum intends for student to take their musical experiences from school into their adult lives and disseminate their musical passions to their own families in the future.
We intend that all students are familiar with the language and concepts that underpin competent musicianship and to that end the fundamentals of analytical listening, performance, composition and production are embedded across our curriculum. As a result, the music curriculum at Tuxford teaches students to express themselves in new ways and connects to their own experiences, preferences and ambitions. Our students will explore an eclectic selection of music from across times, places and purposes and in key stage 4 this will be in greater depth as we reveal the musical characteristics of specific genres that have found a place in the hearts of audiences over the years. On this understanding we build musicians with a genuine sense of identify and appreciation of a wide range of musical experiences.
Our instrumental tuition programme offers affordable access to students with a commitment to establishing financial sponsorship for those in poverty. Trips to professional music events provide inspiration and motivation to follow a music based employment pathway or simply to strengthen personal identity as a musician.
The music curriculum fulfils a spiritual role as students gain confidence in expressing themselves. It also fulfils a social function, as students develop greater respect for peers through shared experiences of the art form. Music further supports student character development as students becomes more resilient first acquiring the base knowledge to contribute successfully in the early stages then navigating the complexities of practice, convention, context and vocabulary that underpins more formal study through, for instance, qualification pathways.
Our inclusive extracurricular programme provides a place for all students whether it be for social and spiritual reasons or for ambitions to improve and grow as a musician. This contributes to a schedule of regular live music events in the Academy develops ‘The Music Scene’, spreading the word and making music visible to everyone in the Tuxford Academy community.