Curriculum intent
Philosophy and ethics at Tuxford Academy allows our students to explore beliefs, morals and ethical issues in a safe, mutually respectful environment. From the start, it enables the reflection and the skills necessary to enhance understanding of a plurality of views and beliefs, on locally, nationally and globally relevant issues. In turn, this enables students to reflect on their own views, as well as giving the opportunity to reflect constructively on the ideologies of others, developing both personally and spiritually.
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” – Aristotle
Throughout the philosophy and ethics curriculum, students will study the beliefs, teachings and practices of religious and non-religious groups, and, using this knowledge and a varied range of activities provided to develop high levels of empathy, becoming active members of a global community. Lessons demonstrate a sense of respect, tolerance and open-mindedness, through the exploration of religions and beliefs, teachings, practices and forms of expression, as well as of the influence of religion on individuals, the family, communities and cultures.
By approaching learning through ‘big’ questions, students are able to explore issues of right and wrong, fundamental questions about existence, differing beliefs about God and what it means to be human. Lessons lend strong support to the pastoral curriculum, exploring many aspects of British values and relationships and sex education. Lessons use independent, student-led discussion and debate to fully foster the verbal confidence skills vital both in the subject and throughout life. This in turn enables students to develop spiritually and morally as well as giving them an opportunity to make sense of their own place in the world. The subject also promotes literacy as students learn to explain and describe their own views, and the views of others, using interpretation of texts to anticipate, describe and explain diverse views.
As students transition from key stage 3 to key stage 4 and beyond, their philosophy and ethics lessons will continue to enable them to express their own ideas, and the ideas of others, but also develop an understanding of appropriately selected worldviews with an increasing level of discernment, based on interpretation, evaluation and analysis, developing and articulating well-reasoned positions.