Our key stage 3 students take part in global awareness lessons. These lessons are aimed at preparing young people for adult life.
Global awareness promotes sensitivity to the impact of globalisation and a better cross-cultural understanding. Global diversity includes the dimensions of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, age, family situations, gender, life experiences, sexual orientation and cognitive ability.
Rising planetary challenges, such as poverty, health epidemics and economic recessions, call for an interconnected awareness and efforts toward global peace.
At Tuxford Academy, we promote global awareness for all of our students through curriculum lessons, during learning time activities and during assemblies. In addition to this, year 7 and year 9 students follow timetabled lessons that promote understanding and the ability to question and challenge opinions.
Topics covered include:
- adversity
- fairness
- democracy
- extremism
- child protection
- equality
- remembrance (November)
- how to choose GCSE options
- financial awareness
During lessons, discussion is encouraged, enabling students to challenge their own understand and views, as well as that of their peers.
Progress ladder
Our progress ladders show how student thinking and skills typically improve in each subject.
Learning journey
Our learning journeys can be used to understand each subject in more detail.