The academy committee currently has two vacancies for a parent academy committee governor and is looking for parents/carers who are interested in this role and who have children at the academy.
As an academy committee governor, you will normally hold office for a period of four years, even if your child leaves the academy during this time. You can, however, resign from the academy committee at any time.
The academy committee is responsible for both the conduct of the academy and for promoting high standards. The academy committee carries out its role by ensuring clarity of vision and strategic direction for the academy and then ensuring that the academy works efficiently and effectively towards achieving its vision. It does this by building a thorough knowledge of the academy and its community, by both supporting and constructively challenging the academy, and by ensuring accountability and compliance.
For further information on eligibility for the role and how to apply, please see the attached letter, parent governor nomination form and eligibility criteria.
Letter for parent governor vacancy
Parent governor nomination form