Do students need to wear uniform when attending for their ‘test only’ appointment?
No, students do not need to wear their uniform on this day but should ensure they have a suitable face covering with them to wear whilst in the academy.
What happens following the test results when students are back in school for face to face teaching?
While a small number of students may need to repeat the test if the first test was invalid or void for some reason, students who test negative will be able to stay in the academy and resume their activities as normal. Results of tests will go to the mobile number listed on the online consent form. If a student tests positive following a LFT, the results will be sent by text from the online NHS system to the mobile number listed on the online consent form and a member of staff will inform the student privately, in person. Parents/carers will be contacted to arrange pick up from school. The student will then be required to self-isolate for 10 days and follow the guidance from NHS Test and Trace.
My child is very nervous about taking the test, can I accompany them?
We know that returning to the academy, and participating in testing, may be something you and your child are anxious about. However, to reduce numbers on site and ensure the safety of all our students, staff and testing teams we must keep numbers on site to a minimum. Therefore, we will not be allowing parents and carers onsite, continuing the safety measures we have put in place since the start of the pandemic. Staff will be on-hand to reassure all students and talk them through the process.
We have created an instructional video, which may help to reassure your child.
My child has had a previous positive Covid-19 test and I have been told this will affect a LFT?
Anyone who has had a positive test result for Covid-19 within the last 90 days are exempt from the testing programme within the academy. However, if a student chooses to take a test and it is positive, they will need to take a confirmatory PCR test and self-isolate until the results are received and for 10 days if the results are positive and follow the guidance from NHS Test and Trace. Please note that your child can only return to the academy if they have completed their period of self-isolation following a positive test and are well to do so. If you have previously consented to testing and your child has tested positive for Covid-19, please email to inform us when the 90 days are over.
What if staff or students have been in close contact with someone in the academy who tests positive?
From 16 August the guidance around self-isolation changes. If you have been identified as a close contact of a positive case, confirmed by a PCR test, Test and Trace will contact you and inform you of what isolation period is required. Please remember to keep the school updated for attendance purposes if your child is off school due to isolation or having received a positive test result themselves.
Do I need to book a test only appointment if my child has been regularly testing at home?
Yes, new government guidance states that all schools and colleges must test students returning or starting school in September 2021.
What happens if I do not consent to testing for my child?
Testing is voluntary but strongly recommended by both the government and the school as it gives us the best chance of maintaining uninterrupted education for all the students in as safe an environment as possible. No student will be forced to take a test, it is voluntary.
What happens if I can’t make an appointment for the first test only appointment due to work commitments?
We hope parents and carers will be able to make arrangements to transport their child to the academy for their first test. If you do have a valid reason why this can’t be done, please email or call 01777 870001 and we will try and look for a suitable alternative. If we are unable to offer you a different time, we will try and prioritise testing for your child on their first day, however this may not be possible.
Does my child need to wear a face covering?
The government changed the guidance on face coverings on May 17 and students are no longer required to wear a face covering whilst in school. However, in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing is not possible (for example, when moving around in corridors and communal areas) students may wish to wear a face covering.
Students must continue to wear a face covering on public transport and dedicated school transport services unless they have a valid exemption from wearing one. Please can we ask that all students who have a valid exemption continue to wear the exemption lanyard issued to them when travelling on the bus services. Please contact the academy if you have not previously informed us that your child is exempt and requires a lanyard.
What if my child develops symptoms?
This testing programme at Tuxford Academy is for people without any symptoms. If your child develops symptoms at any time (including a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste) they must immediately self-isolate and book a test by calling 119 or visiting
Important – you must not send your child into the academy if they display any symptoms of Covid-19, even if you think these are mild. Please ensure you follow NHS advice and book a Covid-19 test. If there is a positive Covid-19 case within your household, your child(ren) must also self-isolate. Please remember to contact the academy and tell us if your child has to self-isolate for any reason.
Further information
You can click on the links below for a guide on how the test works and for more information on how the data captured will be used.
Download a copy of the instructional leaflet ‘How to do your test’, which sets out how the process of administering the test will work:
Read the frequently asked questions about how the data captured will be used:
FAQ – How will testing data be used?
Access the Department for Education’s Covid-19 testing privacy statement: