Here we are at the end of what has been a most unusual academic year, and one we hope that shall never be repeated! That said, we are incredibly proud of how our students have adapted to the changes – their resilience, hard work and perseverance has been remarkable. Indeed, we also want to thank you too, for the support you have given both our academy and to your child(ren). We know it has not been easy adapting to home schooling and we would of course have much preferred to see all our students in the classroom – which leads us nicely to looking ahead to the new academic year.
What will re-opening in September look like?
Over the course of the last week, we have carried out a new risk assessment based on the guidance released by the government, ahead of the planned re-opening of the academy to all students in September. This risk assessment has now been approved in principle by our Board of Trustees, however it is subject to a further audit in August. This second step is necessary to ensure we take into account any changes to our circumstances, new or updated government guidance or any localised infection control measures required in response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
It is our intention to write again to you in the last week of August to update you on any further information relating to re-opening, but we thought it would be helpful for you to have an indication of what that will look like now. Our current plans for re-opening require that we make some adjustments to how we usually organise our academy day. The following is an overview of what that will mean for your child(ren).
When does my child start back at the academy?
We understand that students, their parents and carers and academy staff are ready to start learning and teaching on site. However, the reduced number of students on site during the first few days in September is crucial to allow for students to be informed and trained on the new procedures and protocols in place for the safety of all.
Below is the timetable for the week 31 August to 4 September. Students should only attend on the days listed below. All students will be back on site full time from Monday 7 September. Monday 31 August is the bank holiday and Tuesday 1 September is an administration day for staff.
Year 7 Wednesday 2, Thursday 3, Friday 4 September
Year 8 Friday 4 September
Year 9 Friday 4 September
Year 10 Thursday 3 September
Year 11 Wednesday 2, Thursday 3 September
Post 16 The P16 team will be in contact regarding days students are required on site
Year 10 and Year 11 students will be set a personal development task to complete on Friday 4 September at home.
Academy Uniform
In September, students will be required to wear full uniform, including P.E. kit. Parents are able to purchase uniform online from our online supplier (Year 6 will be able to buy ties on their first day at £6) If any families are experiencing financial hardship that will affect the purchase of uniform, please contact the academy.
Travel Arrangements
School buses will run as normal. Nottinghamshire County Council have advised that students must wear a face covering when travelling on a school, or public bus service. However, please note that the drivers have been instructed by the local authority not to enforce this expectation. It will rely on students following the guidance at all times. No social distancing is required on dedicated school buses, however social distancing measures are required on public bus services.
Start and finish times
This will be the same for all students, 08:40 start and 15:25 finish. We are unable to have staggered start times due to the high percentage of students who travel to the academy on a school bus service. Students will not be allowed on site before 08.20 and will not be allowed to access the building until 08.35 on the first bell.
Learning Time
Year specific learning groups are being put in place to allow year group bubbles to be maintained. Your child will receive information towards the end of the school holidays informing them of who their new form tutor will be, form groups will still remain within Colleges. Year groups will be identified by different coloured ID badges, students are required to ensure they always wear their badge.
Movement around the building
A one-way system will be used to manage congestion in corridors. Predominantly, lessons will be taught in double lessons to limit movement around the building. Students will be instructed to enter and exit the academy via the closest point to their classroom.
Non curriculum time
Break and lunches will be staggered to reduce numbers of students in corridors and social spaces. Students will have break and lunch in designated year group zones. Students will have access to a dining facility and will have the opportunity to purchase food and drinks. As we may be operating a limited menu of hot and cold food, we would encourage students to bring their own food where possible to reduce the need for queuing and purchasing food on site.
Separate facilities will be designated for specific year groups. Numbers of students accessing the facilities will be managed to help maintain social distancing.
Lockers and equipment
Students will not have access to lockers at the start of term. Students will need a bag capable of carrying their equipment and books during the day. Students will need a full set of equipment (see website for equipment list) because they will not be able to share equipment with other students.
Hand sanitiser stations will be available in each classroom. Tissues will also be available in classrooms to promote good respiratory hygiene (catch it – bin it – kill it). Additional cleaning will be in operation for the full return of all students. Ongoing cleaning during the day will focus on wiping down door handles, emptying bins and cleaning facilities such as toilets etc.
Across the academy posters will be displayed to help remind our students of the need for good hygiene, including washing our hands regularly – a message our staff will reiterate, but we would also welcome your support in reminding your child(ren) too. Over the summer we will be working to ensure there are multiple hand washing or hand-sanitising stations in place throughout the academy in support of this, ready for the start of term.
Free school meals during the summer holiday
As previously mentioned, the government has announced that those currently eligible and in receipt of the free school meals scheme will continue to receive this over the summer holiday. In line with this guidance, a single e-voucher from our supplier Sodexo will be provided to cover the period 20 July to 28 August 2020 to parents/carers registered.
We appreciate this is fairly long update but we hope you have found this informative and useful.
So, for now, we wish you and your family a very restful, and importantly, a safe and healthy summer break – and we look forward to welcoming all our students back in September.